P.S.Muthukaluvan, P.S.Muthu College Founder, P.S. Muthu College Correspondent

Welcome to P.S. Muthu College

Thiru P.S. Muthukaluvan is the visionary founder of "P.S. Muthu College of Physical Education Teacher Training”. The name “Muthukaluvan” is richly synonymous with simplicity, honesty, integrity, humanism, and all other rare human virtues. Hailing from a rural background and being a first generation industrialist, he has shown to the world that one can achieve excellence in any field by sincere hard work and utmost devotion to the task undertaken. His straight forward outlook and whole-hearted commitment took him along the path of glory.

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P.S. Muthu College - 5 Year Achievements

Contact Address

P.S. Muthu College Job Assurance

P.S. Muthu College of Arts & Science,

P.S. Muthu College of Physical Education,

P.S. Muthu Medical Institute,

P.S. Muthu Engineering Institute,

P.S. Muthu Yoga Institute,

Sukkangalpatty - 625 540,
Theni (Dt)

Contact Number

Cell : 8098134159, 9360668595, 6381571179

Email ID  : md@muthupettc.org

Website : www.muthupettc.org || www.psmasc.in